BASE® Body Work and Somatic Education 満席御礼! キャンセル待ちの受付も終了しました。

ベース ボディーワークとソマティック教育ワークショップ

Dave Bergerデイヴ・バーガー 








BASE™ ボディーワークとソマティック教育ワークショップは、トラウマセラピストのためのタッチ技術の向上のために作られたもので、SETISE米国本部)からはSE™トレーニング修了生のためのポスト・アドバンストコースとしての認定の申請中です。臨床心理士やカウンセラーにとっては、身体の理解と、トラウマ療法におけるタッチの導入の仕方が包括的に学べます。ボディーワーカーにとっては、トラウマを抱えたクライアントに対して、有効にアプローチする方法が学べます。PTSD,フラッシュバック、身体表現性疾患、パニック障害、愛着障害、人間関係での傷つきなどに、タッチを応用する方法を初心者にわかりやすく具体的に指導します。



BASE1 ポリヴェーガル理論に基づいたタッチ




BASE 2: 社会的交流システムとオリエンテーション(定位付け反応)




BASE 3: 頭蓋骨、振動、 PTSD




BASE 4: 身体と人間関係




BASE  1&2  2018年9月21日から25日

BASE 2&3 2019年2月21日から25日  

BASE 3&4  2019年7月25日から29日







受講費 早割り(5月31日終了)

1モジュール 194,400円 (消費税込)


6月1日以降お支払い 1モジュール 205,200円(消費税込)



個人セッション 50分 11,000円 通訳料5000円

デイブのグループコンサル 1回2時間 10,800円 各モジュールごとに一回 計3回


場所 クロスウェーブ幕張


モジュール3申し込み受付開始 2019年412















「国際メンタルフィットネス研究所」 メールアドレス




BASE 申込書 2018年9月21日から25日日開催














臨床経験  年、週  日以上勤務
















2018年  月   日      署名 






BASE™ Training:  Bodywork and Somatic Education for Trauma Therapists


Taking the BASE training with Dave Berger is one of the best personal and professional decisions I have made.  BASE is an efficient, compassionate, and effective way to resolve trauma on all levels. Bringing in touch in such an attuned, purely intentioned, and informed way gets to the heart of the matter very quickly. Even when it is unwise to use touch with a client, BASE has improved my skill significantly, for example, through tracking of internal anatomy, using intention with awareness of this anatomy, and suggesting client’s use of self touch. I cannot imagine now not working with the trauma response of specific organs. Recognizing the pattern of constriction and flow in different organs with their specific characteristics allows for precision in the renegotiation of the freeze response.

I saw significant and immediate progress in my practice as soon as I incorporated the BASE work; reworking trauma got faster. I have also found that BASE interweaves well with other modalities.  I love that it addresses attachment trauma in a beautiful, elegant and natural way. Touch and/or the physical attunement that BASE brings in mobilizes attachment patterns for the reworking on a somatic level. Just the process of obtaining consent for touch work can be transformative for the client.

The progress I have made in my own healing work through BASE has been both profound and valuable.  This is the wave of the future.

And last but not least, the person and clinician that Dave Berger is, is beyond outstanding. He is a true master at what he does. I look forward to building on my learning from him for years to come.

Tricia Appleton, MD (Psychiatrist)


BASE™  Basic  Training




Dave Headshot (1)Dave Berger, LCMHC, PT, MA is a physical therapist and somatic psychotherapist, practicing in Concord, New Hampshire. Dave is also a consultant and teacher of Somatic Experiencing®, a neurobehavioral intervention for recovery from the effects of emotional and physical trauma. Dave’s own BASE™: Bodywork and Somatic Education Training for trauma therapists is an integration of his life’s clinical work. As a therapist, teacher, consultant and mentor, Dave’s passion and commitment to deep healing guide his work.

An internationally recognized somatic psychotherapist, Dave brings his knowledge of anatomy, physiology and function of the body, and of psychological and relational dynamics to help clients improve their physical well being and psychological health. With over 34 years of clinical practice, Dave provides a unique blend of clinical care for people healing from traumatic injuries and accidents, anxiety, back and neck pain, post-traumatic stress disorder, headaches, panic attacks and chronic pain. He uses a diverse array of traditional and complementary healing practices, integrating his understanding of the relationship between an individual’s emotional challenges, their family system dynamics and cultural issues. In therapy, a client may expect to talk, use body awareness and relaxation, trauma renegotiation, hands-on (when appropriate) interventions, movement and exercise to help in their healing process.

Family systems, psychodynamic psychotherapy, psychobiology and a number of other psychotherapeutic theories inform Dave’s work as a psychotherapist. Understanding the relationship between physiology, body usage and psychology and emotions Dave works along an integrative continuum in his clinical psychotherapy work.

As a physical therapist, Dave is trained in a number of manual techniques including craniosacral therapy, visceral manipulation, myofascial release, joint mobilization and muscle energy technique. He uses exercise, movement education, relaxation, ergonomic education and physical therapy modalities, blending them with aspects of several somatics approaches such as Rosen Method, Feldenkrais, Alexander Technique and Authentic Movement.

Dave’s BASE™ training (Bodywork And Somatic Education) for trauma therapists brings together his integrative healing arts work in the field of Somatics. This training is intended for body therapist and psychotherapists who want to further their understanding of how to help traumatized clients by using specific body structures effected by chronic distress as part of PTSD. His continuing dream is to provide education and opportunity for healing arts practitioners to learn to work along the continuum typically referred to as “body-mind” therapies, a dichotomy he considers misleading but popularly used.

Dave received his bachelor’s degree in Somatopsychology from the University of Maryland and graduate degrees from Stanford University (Physical Therapy) and California Institute of Integral Studies (Psychology with a specialty in Somatic Psychology). He has been a professor in physical therapy and has been adjunct faculty at several colleges. Dave is on faculty with the Somatic Experiencing Trauma Institute. He consults with Somatic Experiencing® students and practitioners.

BASE Tokyo Training

BASE  1&2  September 21 to 25, 2018

BASE 2&3 February 21 to 25, 2019  


Training fee 194400Yen for 5 days.  Hotel accomodation not indluded.

Venue: XWave Makuhari, Makuhari, Chiba